Reliable Shipping provides in excess of 10,000 sq meters of prime warehousing, located in Felixstowe, Ipswich and Southampton, plus additional space through our global partnerships throughout the world.
From these locations we are able to provide Transit Shed facilities (ERTS), HMRC Warehousing, Bonded Storage, Narrow Aisle Pallet storage, Pick & Pack and full warehouse management system with numerous Value-added Services.
Transit sheds, also known as ERTS (Enhanced Remote Transit Shed), HMRC and Bonded warehouse facilities are ideal for customers wishing to store goods imported from outside the EU or for goods awaiting delivery / despatch details before bringing them into free circulation or re-export.
Customers can suspend the payment of import duties and other charges by entering them into a customs warehouse. Duty & VAT are only payable when the goods are released.
What we offer…
- Container devan
and loading - Storage
- Packing
- Labelling
- Palletising
- Pick and pack
- Specialist handling
- Stock management
- Security control
- Quality control